Filipino BBQ Competitor Profile - David Wu

  1. Congratulations on your win at the Adobo Throwdown 3.0! How does it feel to have your Filipino BBQ recognized by the judges?

    I feel honored and blessed to win 2nd place in the Filipino BBQ contest.

  2. Can you tell us a bit about your background in cooking?

    My mom was an awesome cook and opened a Chinese restaurant in south San Antonio. She taught me how to cook and even let me help make the food.

  3. How did you first get started?

    My foodie palate began when my grandparents would fly me at the age of five to San Francisco Chinatown for delicious dim sum and Chinese banquets.

  4. What inspired your Filipino BBQ recipe? Is there a story or personal connection behind it?

    I was inspired to enter the Contest due to my love of cooking at an early age and hoping to join my wife Ruthie, who won 2nd place in the Ube dessert contest last year.

  5. Did you face any challenges while preparing your dish for the competition?

    Yes, this was 1st time I made Filipino BBQ pork belly using a modified recipe I found online.

  6. How did you overcome them?

    Due to my experience with making Chinese BBQ spareribs, I adapted some of those flavors and techniques for the contest.

  7. What was the most memorable moment for you during the Adobo Throwdown?

    Taste testing the grilled pork belly with my wife Ruthie and thinking it was pretty good.

  8. If you could offer one piece of advice to future competitors in the Filipino BBQ , what would it be?

    Find the best cut of meat with marbled fat.

  9. Who or what has been your biggest influence in your cooking journey?

    My mom.

  10. Bonus Question: Do you use Mama Sita’s products in your cooking?


  11. If so, how have they influenced your adobo or other dishes?

    Since I’m a novice in Filipino cooking, using authentic and familiar brand names such as Mama Sitas, allows me to create delicious Chicken Adobo in a easy and convenient way.


Professional Adobo Competitor - Chef David Ritualo


Ube Dessert Competitor Profile - Dane Hearn