Ube Dessert Competitor Profile - Dane Hearn

  1. Congratulations on your win at the Ube Dessert Competition! How does it feel to have your ube creation recognized at the Adobo Throwdown 3.0?

    Thank you!! It was an overwhelming experience but self fulfilling.

  2. What inspired you to enter the Ube Dessert Competition? Do you have a special connection to ube?

    What inspired me to join and my special connection? My cake customers who love my ube cakes suggested that I should join, and It is my best seller since 2015. So I use the same cake recipe for my entry.

  3. Can you share the story behind your dessert recipe? What makes your ube dessert unique?

    I have been seeing clips of people around the world through facebook and tiktok who were so curious and wants to try ube, though they know nothing about it. Most people don’t have any clue what ube is. While growing up in the Philippines. We were growing our own ube vine. It is a different variety of ube that doesn't bear its fruit underground but through its vines. So we would always have many kinds of ube desserts every holiday or any other special Occassion but i have never tried using its meat on baked goods unless you use it as a filling. so when i started making my own cake recipe. I thought, if somebody could use real potatoes in bread then why not use real ube in cakes. Like every baker, I went through trial and error phase. Then when i thought It was perfect for me from the taste to consistency, I just want to share my hard earned product to a lot of people and it was one of the achievements that I think I should be proud if.

    And what makes it unique? aside from using the real ube in my recipe, I am not stingy when it comes to my creation. I always make sure to have a balance dessert as a whole. Just because it is called dessert then it has to be too sweet. I don’t like too sweet desserts and if my filling has to be sweet then i have to make the other components “not too sweet” to consume. Then you wont get cloyed while devouring it.

  4. What challenges did you face while preparing your dessert for the competition, and how did you overcome them?

    I think emotionally I wasnt prepared. I got anxious because it is still a competition. I think I was worried to disappoint the people who trusted and pushed me to do it but i was wrong. At least trying is the best thing you can do.

  5. What was the most memorable part of your experience at the Adobo Throwdown?

    The most memorable part is when they called my name that I won 1st place. Though the convention center was almost empty at 5pm, coz everybody went home already. My friends cheered like the whole room was filled with a lot of people. They carried me like I won the olympics.

  6. What advice would you give to future competitors in the Ube Dessert Competition?

    My advice for the future competitors. It does not matter if you will win or lose. Just share your passion and like i said. The best thing you can do is try and never under estimate yourself. Not all people can do what you do.

  7. Who or what has influenced your baking or dessert-making journey the most?

    My Mom. She started learning to bake when I was in high school and that was 25 years ago. Though i hated it before, she never gave up to teach me even just bits and pieces of the techniques. She did most of the trial and error coz we didn't have money to go to a baking school. She was self taught. But she would only let me when i feel like it. And she never thought I would pick up all the lessons and apply them even until today and of course my husband who is always my #1 fan and my #1 consumer. He supported me 200%

  8. Bonus Question: Do you use Mama Sita’s products in your cooking? If so, how have they influenced your adobo or other dishes?

    Mamasita’s: I always store mama sita’s oyster sauce in my pantry. I have tried other brands but i think growing up, mama sita has the best taste. Even when cooking adobo. I mix it with soysauce. My mom also use it for chopsuey as well. So our chopsuey doesn’t have white sauce. It makes it flavorful. Even in my stews. A tbsp or 2 makes a difference.


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