Silent Auction Support Volunteer Instructions

1. Setup:

  • Arrive early to assist in setting up the silent auction area.

  • Arrange auction items attractively and ensure bid sheets are in place.

2. During the Event:

  • Greet and guide attendees, explaining the silent auction process.

  • Monitor auction tables, answer questions, and encourage bidding.

  • Keep bid sheets organized and updated with new bids.

3. Closing the Auction:

  • Announce the closing time of the auction to attendees.

  • Collect bid sheets promptly at the auction’s end.

  • Verify winning bids and record winner information.

4. Post-Auction:

  • Assist winners in collecting their items and ensure proper distribution.

  • Help pack any unsold items and tidy the auction area.

General Tips:

  • Maintain a friendly and approachable demeanor at all times.

  • Stay attentive and be ready to assist with any inquiries.

  • Communicate promptly with event organizers for any issues or questions.

Thank you for your support and dedication!