Instructions for Amateur Judges

Thank you for volunteering to be a judge for the 2022 Adobo Throwdown Cooking Competition!

In order for the cooking competition to run smoothly, please follow the instructions below.


  1. Please arrive at the venue by 9:20am on October 23, 2022. The venue is

    1. Schertz Civic Center
      1400 Schertz Parkway
      Schertz, TX 78154

  2. Go through the front door and find the Sign In table and ask for your Volunteer wristband.

  3. You will be directed to the Judges Area

  4. There will be a Judges meeting starting at 9:30am


  1. Stay in the Judges area

  2. Each entry will be brought to the judges table. It will be removed from the table after 5 minutes. Please make sure you have finished tasting and scoring the entry before it is taken away.

  3. You will be scoring the following from 1-10 (1- worst, 10-best)

    1. Taste

    2. Creativity - Points are awarded for the combination of uniqueness and execution

  4. You will not be judging on presentation. We have a presentation judge for that criteria.

  5. Be consistent in the methods you use for judging. This ensures fairness to all competitors

  6. Do not discuss your scores with other judges

If you have any questions, please forward them to