Ube Dessert Competitor Profile - Tesa Meneses
Jennie Tabios Jennie Tabios

Ube Dessert Competitor Profile - Tesa Meneses

Tessa's Ube Dessert Competition win was a sweet triumph. Her friends' encouragement and love for ube inspired her to create a unique recipe, a Ube Cheese Macapuno Trifle. She adapted a Texas tres leches cake recipe, adding ube haleya for extra flavor.

Tessa overcame presentation challenges by watching dessert decorating and packaging tutorials, finding a style that showcased her trifle's beauty. The most memorable part of her experience was connecting with fellow competitors and exchanging ideas.

Tessa's advice to future competitors is to be confident and positive. Her love for baking and dessert-making was influenced by family gatherings with her grandma, where they'd try new recipes and experiment with flavors. As a fan of Mama Sita's products, she appreciates their convenience and quality.

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