Interview with Erliz Maddox: Champion of the Ube Dessert Competition

We are thrilled to present an exclusive interview with Erliz Maddox, the exceptional baker who won the prestigious Ube Dessert Competition. Erliz's passion for Filipino cuisine and her innovative approach to baking have earned her this remarkable achievement. In this interview, she shares her inspiration, challenges, and future plans, offering valuable insights for aspiring bakers and culinary enthusiasts.

  1. What inspired you to participate in the Ube Dessert Competition, and how did you come up with your winning recipe?

I participated in the Ube Dessert Competition because of my love for Filipino cuisine and my wish to showcase Ube's versatility in desserts. Ube's vibrant color and unique flavor have always fascinated me, and I wanted to create something that highlights its beauty and introduces it to a broader audience. Coming up with the winning recipe involved a lot of experimentation and blending traditional and modern techniques. I drew inspiration from classic Filipino desserts, aiming to elevate them with contemporary twists. I started by considering the texture and flavor profile I wanted to achieve, then carefully selected complementary ingredients that would enhance the natural sweetness and earthy flavor of the ube. After numerous trials and feedback from friends and family, I perfected a recipe that balanced taste and texture, leading to my success in the competition.

2. Can you share a bit about your background and how you developed your passion for baking and creating desserts?

From a very young age, I have been captivated by the art of cooking. This passion naturally evolved into a love for baking during college, where I discovered it as a beautiful form of artistic expression. I promised myself that one day I would excel at baking, and here I am. My journey truly began during the pandemic when I started crafting various cakes and desserts that quickly became beloved by my customers.

3. What challenges did you face while perfecting your ube dessert, and how did you overcome them?

When perfecting my ube dessert, I faced several challenges: ube has a delicate flavor that other ingredients can easily overwhelm. I had to carefully adjust the amounts of sugar, coconut milk, and other flavorings to highlight the ube's natural taste. By experimenting with different methods and ingredients, I eventually perfected my ube dessert.

4. What advice would you give to aspiring bakers and chefs who want to enter culinary competitions?

Entering culinary competitions can be an exciting and rewarding experience for aspiring bakers and chefs. Here is some advice to help you succeed: master the basics to ensure you have a strong foundation in baking techniques; practice, stay focused, humble, and positive; and lastly, learn from each experience. Whether you win or lose, treat each competition as a learning experience. Analyze your performance, learn from your mistakes, and strive to improve. And most importantly, trust Almighty God because only He knows what's best for us.

5. Besides ube, what are some of your favorite ingredients to work with, and why?

Besides ube, the mango flavor is another favorite ingredient to work with. The Philippines is renowned for its delicious mangoes, which are sweet and flavorful and adoptable in both sweet and savory dishes. They add a tropical twist that appeals to a wide range of palates, making them perfect for showcasing Filipino culinary excellence.

6. What are your plans for the future, and can we expect to see more ube creations from you?

I plan to grow my small baking business, and yes, I'm more than happy to create various flavors and share them with everyone! You can expect to see more Ube creations from me in the future.


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